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Revolutionizing Crime Investigation: How iAcuity Fintech’s Fund Trail Empowers Law Enforcement Agencies.

In the complex landscape of modern crime, a financial footprint often lies behind every illegal activity. iAcuity Fintech stands at the forefront of simplifying crime investigations with its ground-breaking solution, Fund Trail. This innovative platform offers law enforcement agencies a powerful tool to tackle contemporary fraud and criminal activities by providing unprecedented precision and efficiency in tracing and analyzing financial transactions.

The Cutting-Edge Technology of Fund Trail

Fund Trail, the flagship product of iAcuity Fintech, utilizes state-of-the-art technology, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, advanced algorithms, and Big Data analytics. These technologies work together to uncover hidden patterns, identify suspicious transactions, and reveal vital connections that might otherwise remain unnoticed. Fund Trail sets a new standard in crime investigation, allowing investigators to stay ahead in the ongoing battle against criminal activities.

Key Features of Fund Trail

Fund Trail’s comprehensive capabilities make it an indispensable tool for law enforcement agencies:

  1. Dashboards:
    • Case overviews highlighting areas of concern.
    • Summaries of total funds in and out for each party.
    • Visualizations of fund flows and relationships between parties.
    • Analysis of how deposits and loans are used and disbursed.
    • Identification of deposits and withdrawals of similar amounts within short periods.
    • Entity tracking for both receiving and sending funds to main parties with transaction details.
  2. Transaction Trails:
    • Complete trails of transactions among various entities.
    • Detailed transaction reports among related parties.
    • Reconciliation between ledger and bank statements with transaction comparisons.
  3. Financial Analysis:
    • Computation of 42 ratios (profitability, liquidity, leverage, etc.) highlighting company financial health.
    • Monthly trend identification in transaction behaviors.
    • Customizable graphs and charts for data deep-dives and pattern discovery.
  4. Advanced Reporting:
    • Cross-country transaction reports.
    • Cash withdrawals/deposits above thresholds.
    • Month-end cash deposits.
    • Payments to new or unrelated entities.
    • Statistical analysis reports (Benford’s Law, Z Score, RSF, etc.).
    • Specialized reports such as holiday transaction and settlement transaction reports.
  5. Data Security:
    • Comprehensive data security logs ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of investigations.

Performance Highlights in Key Areas

Fund Trail’s versatility is evident in its performance across various types of financial crimes:

  • Non-Performing Assets (NPAs):
    • Tracing funds across multiple layers.
    • Identifying end utilization of loan funds.
    • Validating capital from shareholder deposits, sales, and loans.
    • Identifying fund diversions to related parties, directors, and shell companies.
  • Embezzlement:
    • Tracing siphoned funds through multiple layers.
    • Identifying the utilization of misappropriated funds.
  • Ponzi Schemes:
    • Tracing depositors and deposited amounts.
    • Identifying funds repaid to investors.
    • Evaluating fund utilization and tracing illicit asset procurement.
  • Insolvency Proceedings:
    • Revealing irregularities in corporate transactions.
    • Discovering possible fund diversions.
    • Identifying transactions with related parties.
    • Evaluating fund utilization and tracing hidden assets.
  • Funding of Terrorism:
    • Tracing depositors across multiple layers.
    • Identifying shell companies used to route funds.
    • Discovering the true source of funds.

Benefits Over Traditional Methods

Fund Trail offers numerous advantages over traditional investigation methods:

  • Efficiency and Precision: Traditional methods are often time-consuming and prone to human error. Fund Trail automates complex tasks, providing quicker and more accurate results.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: The platform’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data and reveal hidden patterns surpasses manual investigation capabilities.
  • Advanced Technology: By leveraging AI and ML, Fund Trail continuously improves its detection and analysis capabilities, staying ahead of evolving criminal tactics.
  • Data Visualization: Interactive dashboards and customizable reports make data interpretation easier for investigators, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions.


In an era where financial crimes are increasingly sophisticated, iAcuity Fintech’s Fund Trail empowers law enforcement agencies with a powerful tool to tackle modern crimes. By providing a comprehensive, technology-driven approach to financial investigations, Fund Trail ensures that investigators can uncover the financial footprints of criminal activities with unrivaled precision and efficiency. Embrace the future of crime investigation with Fund Trail and stay one step ahead in the fight against fraud and financial crime.

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